Sunday 9 February 2014

Satin and Chemise....

Oh dear Gods, why did I think satin was a good idea for my chemise? Ah well.. it is now done, all bar hemming the bottom. There is a lovely trim going around the top yoke (which I hate with a passion, hence the lovely trim) and eyelets sewn on, complete with ribbon, for the front.... I need to do some more to the sleeves, but can't do that until the dress is done.

Photos will be up later in the week. In other news, I have been embroidering, cross stitching and generally getting things made for the big V day.... gah, the only problem with being poly, sometimes it gets expensive heh heh heh.

Saturday 8 February 2014

And so, it has started.

I am taking part in two craft alongs at once. The Craftlympics 2014, hosted by my good friend Rogue, and a Costume along, hosted by the Costume Froth group on Facebook. I decided to make my costume for the LRP group 'Empire', where I will be playing a lady from the nation known as The League ( see for more info.) The dress and chemise are being nased on 1450-1470 rennaisance style clothing with a whole lot of extra floof! I have now started on the chemise, which is being done in two colours of satin and one colour of silk. I will get photos of it. Chemise making is fairly basic so I keep forgetting to take pictures, but I need to make a couple more so will do pics and a tutorial.

For the dress I need to draft pattern blocks for the bodice and skirts and take it from there, should be interesting.

I am also making Valentine's presents for the men in my life and doing some embroidery on to satin. It's all go here at the Custom Clothing central hub :)
